Arsenium: I make non-stop money with O-Zone tracks

Arsenie Todiraş returns to the love of Russia. The artist moved with his girlfriend to Moscow

Where has the O-Zone band out of nowhere gone? Arsenie came to the Raid da Buni plateau. Latest details about the artists who made history in the clip above.

X and 0 with table tennis balls. Arsenium vs. Răzvan Simion

Invited to "Neatza with Răzvan and Dani", Arsenium played "X and 0" with table tennis balls against Răzvan Simion.


Arsenium, the former O-Zone band, released the song "Bon Ami"

Visiting Neatza with Răzvan and Dani, Arsenium, ex-O-Zone, launched Bon Ami, alongside Heren, one of Barcelona's most talented producers.


Here can you see the performance of "Bon Ami" live.

Arsenium, former O-Zone, about his new hit and girlfriend


The first time can you see the song "Bon Ami" live.

The interview with Arsenium watch on Facebook.

Arsenium shared a video interview with Life New´s (09.10.2014) .......thanks.