Cu dor de publicul de la Chisinau si neaparat de kissomani, Arsenium a venit in studioul Kiss FM si a prezentat noul lui single realizat impreuna cu Janyela – “Aquamarina”.
Timp de un an si jumatate am auzit mai putin de Arsenium, pentru ca interpretul a fost plecat in Italia, unde a muncit la mai multe proiecte cu producatori de acolo, “Aquamarina” fiind unul dintre ele.
Ne-a spus intre altele ca italienii sunt foarte veseli si ospitalieri, iar  din tot ce-a cunoscut acolo, cel mai mult a indragit bucataria italiana.
“Aquamarina” e o piesa scrisa in engleza si spaniola. Intre altele, Arsenium ne-a zis ca are o piesa in limba romana, pe care a scris-o mai demult si pe care ar vrea sa o soata de la naftalina in toamna acestui an. A promis ca o lanseaza la Kiss, asadar asteptam cu nerabdare.
Din curiozitate, l-am intrebat pe interpret daca reuseste sa traiasca din banii pe care ii face din muzica. Raspunsul a venit repede, sincer si foarte sigur: “Da, imi ajunge sa le dau si prietenilor uneori”.
Intr-o forma fizica buna, calm si relaxat Arsenium ne-a marturisit ca tine "un fel de" dieta, nu bea cafea si face sport. Nu canta in baie,  or ii sunt suficiente orele de munca in studio si concertele, iar baia o lasa pentru relaxare.
Cum arata o zi obisnuita din viata artistului? Daca ar fi zile din astea, zice ca ar prefera sa stea in casa si sa priveasca ceva la televizor. Dar fiecare zi din viata lui e plina si diferita una de alta – ce mai, viata de artist!
N-am reusit sa aflam daca are sau nu o iubita care sa-l fericeasca, dar ne-a promis ca ne spune cu siguranta in toamna, atunci cand vine sa lanseze o noua piesa la Kiss FM.




Translation by Google


The missing public from Chisinau necessarily kissomani, Arsenium Kiss FM studio came and presented his new single achieved with Janyela - "Aquamarina".

For a year and a half less than Arsenium I heard, that was the interpreter went to Italy, where he worked on several projects with producers there, "Aquamarina" being one of them.

He said among other things that the Italians are very cheerful and hospitable, and of all that knew there most beloved of Italian cuisine.

"Aquamarina" is a song written in English and Spanish. Among others, Arsenium told us he had a song in Romanian language, which he wrote some time ago and would like to marry him from naphthalene in the autumn. He promised Kiss launches, so we look forward.

Out of curiosity, I asked the interpreter if he can live on the money I make music. The answer came quickly, honestly and very safe: "Yes, I get to give friends sometimes."

In good physical shape, calm and relaxed Arsenium told us that you "sort of" diet, do not drink coffee and do sports. No singing in the bathroom, or ii enough hours in the studio and concert work and leaves for relaxing bath.

What a typical day in the life of the artist? If you were these days, says he would prefer to stay at home and watch some TV. But every day of his life is full and distinct from one another - how, life artist!

I managed to find out whether or not a fericeasca loving him, but promised us that we say for sure in the fall, when it comes to release a new song on Kiss FM.


Part 2 of the interview


Cu dor de publicul din Chisinau, Arsenium a prezentat la Kiss FM noul lui single realizat impreuna cu Janyela – “Aquamarina”! O piesa dinamica, numai buna pentru vara, cu versuri in engleza si spaniola!

Timp de un an si jumatate, aproape ca l-am dat pierdut! Dar l-am redescoperit! Relaxat si in forma! Ne-a marturisit ca a stat in Italia! Ce a facut acolo!? Zambeste si marturiseste cu un fin umor: “Am muncit”! Ei bine, Arsenium, a lucrat la mai multe proiecte cu producatori de acolo, “Aquamarina” fiind unul dintre ele.

Prezent in studioul Kiss FM, ne-a spus, printre altele, ca italienii sunt oameni foarte veseli si ospitalieri! Arsenium a invatat limba italiana in timp record si, categoric, a indragit bucataria de acolo! Fie vorba intre noi, are o silueta de invidiat, dupa atatea pasta si tortellini! 

Toate bune si frumoase, dar cum sta Arsenium cu dragostea? Bine! Cu un aer timid, refuza discret sa dezvaluie detalii, dar garanteaza ca la toamna vom afla mai multe! Tot atunci, Arsenium va scoate la lumina o piesa in limba romana, pe care a scris-o mai demult, si pe care a promis ca o lanseaza la Kiss FM!  

English by Google


The audience missed Chisinau, Arsenium presented at Kiss FM's new single achieved with Janyela - "Aquamarina"! A dynamic piece, just perfect for the summer, with lyrics in English and Spanish!


For a year and a half, I gave almost lost! But I rediscovered! Relaxed and in shape! Told us that stayed in Italy! What he did there!? Smile and confesses with a fine sense of humor: "I worked"! Well, Arsenium worked on several projects with producers there, "Aquamarina" being one of them.


Present Kiss FM studio, told us, among other things, that the Italians are very cheerful and hospitable people! Arsenium to learn Italian language in record time and definitely loved the cuisine there! Just between us, has an enviable figure, after all pasta and tortellini!


All well and good, but how it Arsenium Love Good! With a timid air, quietly refuse to disclose details, but guarantees that the fall we learn more! At that time, Arsenium bring to light a piece in Romanian, which he wrote some time ago, and he has promised to launch the Kiss FM!