Arsenie il ataca pe Dan Balan: Cineva are orgolii mari. Ce a dezvaluit artistul in studioul Pro FM
Cineva avea orgolii mari. Asta spune Arsenie despre fostul sau coleg din trupa O-zone, Dan Balan. Astazi Arsenie a fost invitat in studioul Pro Fm unde a vorbit despre viata sa personala, dar si despre marea lui dragoste pentru mancarea italiana.
Intrebat de Dj Dana despre viata sa personala, interpretul in varsta de 29 ani, a fost cat se poate de rezervat. Totusi a lasat o usa deschisa pentru fetele din Moldova.
Tot aici interpretul a povestit despre noua sa piesa, Aquamarina, care este in spaniola la fel ca si noua piesa a lui Dan Balan.
Arsenie a spus ca l-au deranjat spusele fostului sau coleg de trupa, precum ca el impreuna cu Radu Sarbu ar fi fost doar niste vagoane, in timp ce Dan Balan era locomotiva O-zone. Trupa care a inregistrat un succes fulminant la inceputul anilor 2000 s-a destramat in 2005.
Interpretul a mai marturisit ca pentru toamna acestui an pregateste proiecte de amploare.
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Arsenie attacking him Dan Balan: Someone big egos. What has unveiled artist studio Pro FM
Someone had big egos. That says Arsenie about his former colleague from the band O-Zone, Dan Balan. Today Arsenie was invited Pro Fm studio to talk about his personal life, and his great love for Italian food.
Dj Dana asked about his personal life, singer aged 29 years, was as can be booked. But he left the door open for girls in Moldova.
Here the singer talked about his new song, Aquamarina, which is in Spanish as well as the new song by Dan Balan.
Arsenie said it bothered her former bandmate words as he and Radu Sarbu were just some cars, while Dan Balan O-Zone was a locomotive. The band has recorded a runaway success in the early 2000s fell apart in 2005.
Broadcaster has confessed to the autumn preparing large projects.