Scandalul ia amploare? Arsenie catre Dan Balan: "sa depaseasca frustrarile adolescentei"


Destramarea trupei O-Zone, una dintre cele mai de succes formatii din istoria Moldovei, a fost un adevarat bum mediatic la vremea respectiva. Abia acum ies la iveala motivele pentru care Dan Balan, Radu Sarbu si Arsenie Todiras s-au despartit in 2005, desi erau pe val.



In urma cu cateva zile a fost lansat un film documentar intitulat "Intre fenomen si realitate" care descrie ascensiunea fulminanta lui Dan Balan. Aici, artistul a vorbit despre sacrificiile pe care le-a facut pentru a crea O-Zone. "Putini stiu ca luni bune am mancat numai paine cu rosii si smantana", spune cantaretul in documentar. Acesta adauga: "Iata, insa, ca vine un manager si ceilalti doi care au primit totul de-a gata si spun ca ei vor sa controleze tot. Dumnezeu cu dansii, eu i-am iertat de mult".



Documentarul pare sa fi starnit spiritele fostilor colegi de trupa a interpretului. Dupa ce acum patru zile Radu Sirbu a publicat un manifest pe contul sa de facebook, se pare ca a venit si randul lui Arsenie Todiras sa-si expuna nemultumirea fata de acuzatiile pe care i le-ar fi adus fostul coleg de trupa, Dan Balan:



Uite ce a scris Arsenie Todiras pe contul sau de facebook:


„Am ramas surprins neplacut, contrariat chiar, de confesiunile fostului nostru coleg din trupa O-Zone , Dan Balan, pe care acesta le profera in pretinsul film documentar Intre fenomen si realitate.



Nu doresc in nici un fel sa polemizez cu Dan, macar si din motivul ca insinuarile lui nu sunt probate.



Doresc doar sa-mi expun pozitia in cateva chestiuni de principiu.



Proiectul O-Zone nu anticipa nici in cele mai optimiste prognoze succesul extraordinar pe care l-a obtinut. Initial, problemele drepturilor asupra denumirii, ca si ponderea unui sau altui membru in aceasta afacere, nici nu se puneau. Eram tineri, neexperimentati si doream sa ne afirmam in spatiul cultural romanesc.


Or, in momentul cand se produce ascensiunea fulminanta a formatiei, Dan Balan devine extrem de gelos si conflictual. De altfel, managerul trupei a fost ales de catre Dan si anume el trata cu acesta problemele legate de imagine si de drepturile de autor. Gloria neasteptata l-a facut pe Dan sa regrete ca este nevoit s-o imparta cu ceilalti. S-a intamplat exact ca in cazul devenit proverbial cand doi sau mai multi amici cumpara un bilet ieftin de loterie, fara a crede in sansa castigului, iar cand cade lozul cel mare apar tot felul de intrebari: cine si cat a dat, cine a ales biletul, cine l-a pastrat…



Apropo, despre vagoane si locomotiva. Acest moment este de-a dreptul genant. Personal, recunosc meritul incontestabil al lui Dan, originalitatea lui, valoarea pieselor compuse, insa despre calitatea de locomotiva sau de vagon a unuia sau altuia ar trebui sa se pronunte publicul. Repet, fara intentia de a-i contesta meritul, ca e firesc sa fii laudat si apreciat de altii.



Eram tineri, fara experienta si succesul ne-a naucit. Am comis, toti, greseli, ne-am certat, dar astfel de lucruri se intampla si la case mai mari. Cand ne-am despartit, am propus sa lasam loc de buna ziua si fiercare sa-si caute de drumul sau. Cu atat mai mult am fost surprins ca, dupa ani, Dan rabufneste cu atata rautate si nesimtire.



Am crezut sincer ca, poate, candva, O-Zone va fi reanimat. Acum nu mai cred. Dan nu ne poate ierta statutul de vagoane trase de o locomotiva legendara.



Imi pare nespus de rau de autorul filmului, jurnalista Victoria Cusnir, care, cu siguranta, cunoaste codul deontologic al profesiei sale. Era normal ca, intr-un film adresat publicului larg, sa ne fie si noua oferit dreptul de a ne exprima punctul de vedere. Sublniez: numitul film este o lucrare executata in cel mai cras stil de propaganda sovietica.



In rest, nu-mi ramane decat sa-i doresc lui Dan Balan tot binele din lume. Si sa-i ajute Dumnezeu sa depaseasca frustrarile adolescentei”.


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The scandal is growing? Arsenie to Dan Balan "overcome frustrations adolescence"


Disintegration of the band O-Zone, one of the most successful bands in the history of Moldavia, was a true media boom at the time. Only now come to light why Dan Balan, Radu Sarbu and Arsenal Todiras split in 2005, though they were on fire. few days ago was released a documentary film entitled "Between phenomenon and reality" that describes the rise of fulminant Dan Balan. Here he talked about the sacrifices they made ​​to create O-Zone. "Few people know that months I ate only bread with tomatoes and cream," the singer says in the documentary. He adds: "Here, however, there comes a manager and two others who received it for granted and say they want to control everything. God with them, I have already forgiven much." documentary seems to have sparked spirits former bandmates interpreter. After four days Radu Sirbu published a manifesto on his Facebook account, it seems to Arsenie Todiras turn came to express their dissatisfaction with accusations that I would have brought former bandmate, Dan Balan : Look Arsenie Todiras wrote on his Facebook account: "I was unpleasantly surprised, annoyed even, by our former colleague confessions band O-Zone, Dan Balan, which he uttered the alleged phenomenon Between documentary and reality. I do not wish in any way to argue with Dan, and even for the reason that his insinuations are not proved. want just to show my position on some matters of principle. draft O-Zone do not anticipate any optimistic forecasts in the extraordinary success who won. Initially, the name rights issues, as a share or another member in this business, there is no question. We were young, inexperienced and wanted to affirm the Romanian cultural space. however, when you are producing dramatic uptake of the band, Dan Balan becomes extremely jealous and conflict. Moreover, the band's manager was chosen by Dan namely that he treat problems of image and copyright. Gloria unexpected Dan made ​​to regret the need to share with others. It happened exactly as if became proverbial when two or more pals buy a cheap ticket lottery without winning believes in chance, and when the jackpot falls all sorts of questions: who and how given, who chose ticket , who kept ... By the way, about cars and locomotives. This moment is the right Genant. Staff recognize the undeniable merit of Dan, his originality, the composite parts, but the quality of the locomotive or wagon of one or another rule should be public. Again, no intention of challenging the merits, it is natural to be praised and appreciated by others. were young, inexperienced and success stunned us. I committed all, mistakes, we argued, but such things happen and bigger houses. When we parted, I proposed to leave instead fiercare hello and to look for ways. More so I was surprised that after years, Dan explodes with such malice and callousness. honest I thought that maybe, someday, O-Zone will be revived. Now I do not think so.We can forgive Dan status of a locomotive drawn carriages legendary. I'm terribly sorry to film author, journalist Victoria Cusnir who certainly knows the code of conduct of his profession. It was natural that, in a film for the public, and new we are given the right to express our views. Sublniez Named film is a work executed in the most crass style of Soviet propaganda. Otherwise, I can only wish him all the best Dan Balan world. And God help teens overcome frustrations. "