Arsenie, fost O-Zone, s-a pus pe sudat tigari de cum a iesit din aeroport! Vezi unde a fost surprins simpaticul solist!
Plecat cu treaba la Milano, in Italia, Arsenie, fostul component al trupei O-Zone, a fost surprins pe aeroport de paparazzii
Imbracat sport, foarte relaxat si chiar pus pe glume in momentul in care-si astepta bagajele la banda din aeroport, Arsenie Toderas, cunoscut marelui public sub
titulatura de Arsenie, dupa destramarea trupei O-Zone, a ajuns la Milano insotit de un prieten apropiat.
Dupa ce si-a ridicat bagajul, Arsenie a aruncat un ochi prin magazinele din aeroport si a iesit in mare viteza in afara incintei, unde si-a aprins instantaneu o tigara, din care a tras cu mare nesat. Mai linistit si afisand un aer multumit dupa cateva fumuri, Arsenie - care s-a lansat intr-o cariera solo - a inceput sa lectureze afisele cu orarul autobuzelor care il puteau lasa in centrul orasului Milano, semn ca la capitolul financiar n-o duce chiar foarte bine, atat timp cat un taxi a iesit din discutie!
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Arsenie, was O-Zone, was on welded cigarettes as out of the airport! See where the cute singer was surprised!
Gone to work in Milano, Italy, Arsenie, former member of the band O-Zone, was surprised at the airport by paparazzi
Dressed sport, very relaxed and even playful when her band waiting in airport luggage, Arsenie Toderas, known to the general public under the name of Arsenie, after
the split up of the band O-Zone, arrived in Milano accompanied by a close friend .
After he raised the bag, Arsenie took a look and went shopping at the airport at high speed out of the enclosure, where he immediately lit a cigarette, which drew a
large avidly. Quieter air showing happy after a few puffs, Arsenie - who launched a solo career - he started reading the bus schedule posters you could leave Milano city center, meaning that in
terms of not doing very well financially, as long as a taxi out of the question!