Arsenium s-a dezvatat sa cante live? Vezi cum a intrepretat piesa Loca - VIDEO
Fostul solist al trupei O-Zone, Arsenie Todiras, a cantat in duet cu Natalia Gordienko la concertul ei jubiliar.
Cei doi au cantat piesa Loca pe care au interpretat-o in 2006 si pe scena de la Eurovision, alaturi de Connect'R.
De atunci au trecut 6 ani, timp in care se pare ca interpretul s-a dezvatat sa cante piesa live, lucru pe care l-au sesizat si o parte dintre cei care se aflau in sala Palatului.
Mai multa lume a scris ca Arsenium a avut o prestatie slaba, fiind salvat de Natalia si dansatorii de pe scena.
Vezi si tu cum au cantat cei doi piesa Loca si spune daca ti-a placut.
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Arsenium was taught how to play live? See how to interpret the song Loca - VIDEO
Former lead singer of O-Zone, Arsenie Todiras, sang in duet with Natalia Gordienko her jubilee concert.
The two sang the song Loca they have interpreted it in 2006 and on stage at Eurovision with Connect'R.
6 years have passed, during which the singer seems to unlearn song to sing live, thing that I have noticed and some of those who were in the hall of the palace.
More people wrote that Arsenium had a performance poor, being saved by Natalia and dancers on stage. See how you sang two song Loca and say if you like.