Arsenium принял участие в Московской неделе моды (фото)
Arsenium (Арсений Тодираш) принял участие в Московской неделе моды Весна-Лето 2015, где, наряду с местными знаменитостями, поучаствовал в качестве модели в показе коллекции дизайнера YanaStasia "Русский спорт".
По словам дизайнера марки, Яны Шевченко, её спортивная коллекция, украшенная традиционными русскими узорами, актуальна и проникнута духом времени. На её создание дизайнера вдохновили победы российской команды на Зимней олимпиаде 2014.
В показе, кроме нашего артиста, приняли участие звезды российской эстрады, кино, и спорта: Лолита, Сергей Зверев, Анастасия Волочкова, Никита Джигурда, Диана Гурцкая и многие другие.
Арсений же прошёлся по подиуму в компании телеведущей Катерины Гусевой.
Фото: Facebook / Алексей Голубович
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Arsenium took part in the Moscow fashion week (photos)
Arsenium (Arsenie Todiraş) took part in the Moscow Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2015, which, along with local celebrities, participated as a model in the fashion show of designer YanaStasia "Russian sport."
According to the designer brand, Yana Shevchenko, its sports collection, decorated with traditional Russian patterns, current and imbued with the spirit of time. At its creation designer inspired victory of the Russian team at the 2014 Winter Olympics.
In the show, but our artist, attended by Russian pop stars, movies, and sports Lolita, Sergei Zverev, Anastasia, Nikita Dzhigurda, Diana Gurtskaya and many others.
Arsenie also walked the runway in the company presenter Katerina Guseva.
Photo: Facebook / Golubovich
Arsenie Todiraș se regăsește excelent în show bizz-ul din Moscova. Defilează
pentru designerii ruși(Foto)
După lansarea de succes a lui Arsenie Todiraș cu piesa ,,Do Rassveta”, în duet cu Sati Kazanova, artistul a avut o ascensiune în cariera sa din Rusia. Este văzut la multe evenimente mondene, apare tot mai des la televiziuni și radiouri, iar mai nou, Arsenie a apărut pe podium în calitate de model.
Ex-membrul trupe O-Zone a defilat printre vedetele Rusiei în cadrul Moscow Fashion Week 2015, pentru colecția de toamnă-iarnă a designerului Yanastasia. Artistul moldovean a ieșit pe podium, însoțit de prezentatoarea Katya Guseva.
Cei doi s-au etalat în ținute în stil sport, însă cu un print tradițional rusesc. De altfel, întreaga colecție a designerului a pus în valoare portul vestimentar național.
Diana Musaelean
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Arsenie Todiraş is found excellent in the show biz in Moscow. Scroll to Russian designers (Photo)
After the successful launch of Arsenie Todiraş with the song, ,Do Rassveta" in duet with Sati Kazanova, the artist had an ascent in his career in Russia. It is seen in many social events, increasingly appeared on television and radio, and more recently, Arsenie appeared on the podium as a model.
Ex-member of the band O-Zone paraded among the stars of Russia in Moscow Fashion Week 2015 Autumn-Winter collection by designer Yanastasia. Moldovan artist came to the podium accompanied by Katya Guseva presenter.
The two were plated in style kept sport, but with a Russian traditional print. The entire collection of designer clothing has highlighted national port.
Diana Musaelean
Arsenium, pe acelasi podium, alaturi de Lolita, Xenia Borodina si Anastasia Volochkova - FOTO
Arsenie Todiras, cunoscut ca Arsenium, fostul membru al trupei O-Zone, a defilat recent in calitate de model, prezentand tinuta unui brand rusesc.
28 Martie 2015
Acum cateva zile a avut loc prezentarea noii colectii a casei de moda "YanaStasia", in cadrul Saptamanii Modei din Moscova. Proprietarele acestui brand sunt Yana si Anastasia Shevchenko. Brandul s-a facut remarcat prin tinute care combina stilul traditional popular rusesc cu cel sport si casual.
In calitate de modele au evoluat mai multe vedete din Rusia, printre care Lolita, Anastasia Volochkova, Serghei Zverev, Ksenia Borodina, dar si moldoveanul Arsenie Todiras, fostul membru al truei O-Zone.
English by Google
Arsenium on the same podium with Lolita, Xenia Borodina and Anastasia Volochkova - PHOTO
Arsenie Todiras known as Arsenium, former member of the band O-Zone, recently paraded as a model, featuring a brand Russian outfit.
March 28, 2015
A few days ago was presented the new collection of fashion house "YanaStasia" at the Fashion Week in Moscow. The owners of this brand are Yana and Anastasia Shevchenko. The brand was noticed by outfits that combine traditional style with the popular Russian sports and casual.
As many models have evolved stars in Russia, including Lolita, Anastasia Volochkova, Sergey Zverev, Ksenia Borodina, and Moldavian Arsenie Todiras, former member of True O-Zone.