Arsenie isi cauta nevasta! "Va zic sigur ca in 2014- 2015 eu ma insor!"


A umblat in lumea larga, dar tot la frumusetea romancelor se intoarce! Arsenie de la O-Zone are ganduri de insuratoare.

Si chiar a pus ochii pe o fata: "eram in tinerete party boy, acum gata!". Atentie, fetelor! Fostul component al trupei O-Zone e pus pe lucruri serioase. Bine, bine, o vrea el, dar haideti sa vedem ce fel de fata cauta baiatul! Credeti ca o vrea pe Miss Univers? Nici vorba!


Are 30 de ani, este celebru in toata lumea, dar sa vedem ce spun prietenii despre el. Cum era insotit de fostul sau coleg de trupa si a lui sotie, i-am intrebat pe cei doi ce fel de baiat e Arsenie: "e un baiat foarte de treaba, destept", au inceput sa-l laude.


Bonus, fetelor, aflati ca Arsenie este si credincios. Chiar daca sarbatoarea Sanzienelor a trecut, el spera ca cineva viseaza la el. Asa baiat, te lasa fara cuvinte! Unde mai pui ca artistul mai lanseaza un mesaj, sa fie sigur ca toata lumea a inteles: "va zic sigur ca in 2014- 2015 eu ma insor!".



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VIDEO / Arsenie is looking wife! "I'll tell you that in 2014 - 2015 I'm getting married!"


He went into the wide world, but also in beauty romantic returns! Arsenie at O-Zone has thought getting married.

And even laid eyes on a girl: "I was young party boy, now ready." Attention, girls! The former member of the band O-Zone is placed on serious things. Okay, well, I like it, but let's see what kind of girl looking boy! Do you think he wants Miss Universe? No way!


Has 30 years, is famous all over the world, but to see what friends say about him. How was accompanied by former bandmate and his wife, I asked the two what kind of boy is Arsenie. "Is a very nice guy, smart" began to praise.


Bonus girls, know that Arsenie is faithful. Even if Sanzienelor celebration of the past, he hopes someone dreaming of him. So boy, I leave you speechless! Where you put the artist in May released a message, to be sure everyone understands: "I'll tell you that in 2014 - 2015 I marry."