Radu Sîrbu și Arsenie Todiraș vor să-și facă o nouă trupă, după modelul ABBA. Foștii O-Zone cântă cu nevestele!
Nostalgici după perioada în O-Zone a cunoscut succesul la nivel global, Radu Sîrbu și Arsenie Todiraș nu exclud posibilitatea de a-și uni forțele într-un nou proiect muzical. De data aceasta, cu partenerele lor de viață!
Revenit pentru câteva zile în România, ca să susțină un concert, Arsenium – cum își spune pe scenă Arsenie – a profitat de vizită și s-a revăzut cu fostul Picasso' din textele pieselor O-Zone, Radu Sârbu, singurul membru al grupului care a rămas în țara noastră. Parcă la ani lumină de perioada în care se întâlneau doar accidental, cei doi au reînnodat legătura, s-au reapropiat și chiar au ieșit împreună la un eveniment monden.
Radu Sîrbu și Arsenie Todiraș vor să-și facă o nouă trupă, după modelul ABBA
Arsenie Todiraș a vizitat studioul lui Radu și a discutat cu el despre un nou proiect muzical, în familie, care, mai în glumă, mai în serios, se vrea un nou Ace of Base sau, de ce nu?, o variantă românească a popularei trupe suedeze ABBA! Ineditul grup ar urma să le aibă în componență, pe lângă cei doi foști O-Zone, pe partenerele de viață ale acestora, care nu sunt străine de lumea muzicii.
Radu face de ani buni echipă cu mama celor trei copii ai săi, Anna Sîrbu (Sianna), cu care a scos multe piese de succes. Iar jumătatea lui Arsenie este Dj Layla; cei doi au fost prezenți, ca duet, la o petrecere, weekendul trecut, iar lumea i-a apreciat foarte mult.
Cei trei au cucerit piața muzicală din Rusia cu proiecte solo
After the moments of glory and madness in O-Zone's successful years, Radu Sârbu (39 years old) proved to be the only one in the band to choose a profitable business. The composer is a real hit factory, especially for the eastern market, being one of the most wanted composers in Russia! There he also met success, but not at the level of Radu, and Arsenie.
After his separation from the two, Dan Bălan moved to the United States, but he did not abandon Russia's influence zone, where he had the most concerts. Dan Balan, Radu Sîrbu and Arsenie Todiraş were together on the same stage last year, 12 years after the O-Zone trio dissolved for two recitals in Bucharest and Chisinau. The love of the lime, "Only you," Why crying the guitars "brought huge profits to O-Zone and especially to Dan Balan, the band managing to sell about 12 million albums.
English by Google:
Radu Sirbu and Arsenie Todiras want to make a new band, according to the ABBA model. The former O-Zone sing with the wives!
Nostalgic after the period in O-Zone has been globally successful, Radu Sirbu and Arsenie Todiras do not exclude the possibility of joining forces in a new musical project. This time, with their life partners!
Coming back for a few days in Romania to perform a concert, Arsenium - as Arsenie says on the stage - took a visit and revisited with former Picasso 'from O-Zone songs, Radu Sarbu, the only remaining member of the group in our country. As if in light years of the time when they were only accidentally met, they re-established the connection, reappeared, and even went out together at a mundane event.
Radu Sirbu and Arsenie Todiras want to make a new band, according to the ABBA model
Arsenie Todiraş visited Radu's studio and talked with him about a new musical project in the family that, more jokingly, more seriously, is a new Ace of Base or why not ?, a Romanian version of popular Swedish bands ABBA! The new group would be composed of, besides the two former O-Zone, their life partners who are not alien to the music world.
Radu has been working for years with the mother of his three children, Anna Sîrbu (Sianna), with whom he has produced many successful songs. And half of Arsenie is Dj Layla; the two were present, as a duet, at a party last weekend, and the world appreciated them a lot.
The three have conquered the Russian music market with solo projects
After the moments of glory and madness in O-Zone's successful years, Radu Sârbu (39 years old) proved to be the only one in the band to choose a profitable business. The composer is a real hit factory, especially for the eastern market, being one of the most wanted composers in Russia! There he also met success, but not at the level of Radu, and Arsenie.
After his separation from the two, Dan Balan moved to the United States, but he did not abandon the Russian influence zone, where he had the most concerts. Dan Balan, Radu Sîrbu and Arsenie Todiraş were together on the same stage last year, 12 years after the O-Zone trio dissolved for two recitals in Bucharest and Chisinau. The love of the lime "Only you," Why crying the guitars "brought huge profits to O-Zone and especially to Dan Balan, the band managing to sell about 12 million albums.